Posted by Qi... on 01:18
Please, just make it 40.



Posted by Qi... on 19:45
They say it grip your nerve because you care.
I guess so.
But obviously this magnitude is not enough.
I started wonder what can put me on an All-in mode.
Guess there is something fundamentally wrong. 
Being nervous but not doing enough to help is simply laughable.
Had been sailing smooth all these whole with all the blessings
You may pass this hurdle this time, on the edge but not every time 
Hopefully this is a warning
Just a warning and I don't need a big slap in my face to get up straight



Posted by Qi... on 22:48
He asked if I still read.
Yes I do. But with a different degree I guess.
I feel more and more emotionally-detached when my relationship with my devices bond stronger
There is always something happening
Worthy of my attention
Those fancy insta caught my eyes more than people around
I sporadically joined conversation while chatting and refresh on fb. LOL
Time to get back to true world where we TALKED and be inappropriate or a laugh stock
Time for real communication



Posted by Qi... on 20:19
因为 看不懂 
唯一的 解脱之道
就是 让他拉着你的手
不要怪 他为什么自布迷阵
人的心 本来就是一捆理不清线头的毛绒球
就只好 一起从这漩涡中挣扎而出

但愿我 能不抱怨 敞开心胸 拥抱彼此
知道这不是 直接拒绝沟通的理由



Posted by Qi... on 19:18
I am always surprised at how people speak so confidently and eloquently on baseless argument.
As if you shout your lung out, throw funniest joke and give out charismatic speeches with punch line, your point stand. With the support of the beautifully crafted words.
But this is what is happening. We don't really listen. We listen but we are not listening. We listen with our eyes and ears, not brain.
I'm expecting someone to listen through my words and get into my mind. Guess I asked for too much.
But still I hope I can have the words to deliver the exact idea running inside. Not a lousy transcription.
Till then.

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