Father's Day.....
Posted by Qi...
Honestly, I am out of wits and finally decide on buying the first ice-cream cake in our family history to mark this special day.
The big day started when my mum grumbling she is hungry so it’s the time to grab the cake. With my father covered with sweat and my dear grandfather having a sweet conversation with old Mr. Zhou, I ushered them to the dining table though that is obviously not the right time.
Covered in a XXXXL size white polystyrene box, it raised a serious question from my grandfather, HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Then the mantra followed by……blah blah blah, why waste such money, ai….
When the cake first flashed into our view, it was floating on a pool of purplish liquid, or more specifically, melted yam ice-cream. Oops, seems like the refrigerator is not cold enough for our delicate sweetie. So, there is no ceremony, no candle-lighting, no whisper of wishes, no photograph taking, just hustling, grumbling and me slicing the cake clumsily. You see, our dainty cake need to be sent into the ICU. What a pity but what to do, its blur blur owner totally unaware that is need to be kept in the freezer.
What makes me feel slightly delighted is my father actually think the cake is nice, quite surprising as he don’t like cake usually. But, my mother did complaint about me bring back such a huge thing cake which occupies half of her refrigerator and MELTS…..Actually, the cake is just like a nut in a matchbox. The super thick polystyrene container is made so to insulate heat.
Seriously, I don’t know how to initiate reaction in my father’s inert nature. Annual Father’s Day card will be left at living room until it was collected together with the old newspaper or kept by my mum. T_T Last time, my Father Day Thank You letter remains undiscovered for three days though I changed the hiding place from slightly hidden to a obvious CAN YOU SEE IT??! spot and now it lies in my file.
But we can’t be frustrated by little obstacles right? So this year I took another strategy. After observing him for an extended period, I discovered handkerchief is the thing he need and that is what I will get for him.
The process of picking the gift is also quite amusing with us 3 young ladies walking around the underwear department in search of handkerchief. Actually, the boxes look just the same. We can’t help to wonder what people will think about this. =p A big thank you to Ning who nice enough to drove me and Han who sacrifice her sleeping time to keep us companied.
This time, to protect my precious gift from occupied by dust, I put that on an obvious place and straightly ask him, did you see that? With his face buried beneath the newspaper, he murmured a yes and monotonously asked: what is that?….since he can’t read the label, OK, I forgive him.
The rest of the day is just as dull as all other days. Oh, this is totally not the warm and heart-touching moments I imagined. Guess I forgot how passive my old folks are in expressing feeling thus missed the heating process.
Till now, half of the ice-cream cake is still shivering in my fridge, waiting for a life-saving spoon to scoop them out. As for my special gift, it was left untouched at its original position for 3 days until I took it out and opened it for my father!!!
But still, Happy Father’s Day to all.