
Posted by Qi... on 15:05

有時 我覺得自己現在的一切
(還是不夠努力的結果 科科)
你能來到這裡 真的很幸運
好吧 我就相信了

機會和幸運 是給做好準備的人的
現在 只好努力的抓著翅膀 避免自己掉下來

這個learning curve好大 好大
身邊的人 好像都比自己懂得多 想的快 經驗多
只是 有時心裡的魔鬼總會跳出來
在想 怎麼我沒有得到好康獎學金
怎麼 老師不推薦我工作
窮 真的會磨人心志
感覺自己的想法 也越來越酸 越自我貶抑

看著身邊比自己努力 強 幸運的人  太多了
很多時候 在感嘆自己遭遇不好的同時

只是 有時候在想
要多努力 才夠
我只想 不勞永逸

爬到累了 就會想巴自己
幹嘛這麼想不開 自討苦吃
不過 都卡在半山了

至少 終於找到工作了
認真努力 勞役自己了



Posted by Qi... on 10:08

所以 你不在 兩年了
(因為去年她沒告訴我 我事後知道訓了她一下
我就問了 所以我有要做什麼嗎
老爸說 阿公是不會去到澳洲那麼遠看我的
所以 今天我就和朋友烤肉去了
本來在想 應不應該吃素的

兩年 好像很久了
很多剛認識的朋友都以為 你還在
你不在 這句話 還是很難啟齒
馬來話一句berat hati 是真的
可是至少 我不會眼眶泛紅
時間久了 真的就能平復很多情緒

昨天 去了一趟三時繫念
而且 事後我發現
他可能其實只是要閃耀眼的陽光 所以一直轉過來
我的淚腺 一遇到白髮大叔 還是很發達的

本來是想迴向給你的 然後在想 是不是要寫個牌位
但是想想 希望你已經在另一個世界
這些多餘的 你都不需要了
愛別離苦 我會學著適應的


Officially quarter life

Posted by Qi... on 09:46

"As members of a thinking species on a small planet in a giant universe, with no more than 80 to 90 years of life, I think it is wrong to sit on our haunches and enjoy economic well-being. We are, after all, in a great race for life against death, for knowledge against ignorance, for exploring and understanding the world around us before the big contraction or crash or whatever comes next. And hard work is the only way forward."

I guess I fast-forward into quarter-life crisis few years back
(Always an early worrier >.<)
But here I am, 25, jobless and prospectless
This is definitely a legit reason to worry lol

Entering a new age at a foreign country
Where I am still very new is very different
I am trying to keep this low and make myself feel small
So I didn't let anyone in the school know lol
But secretly I am anticipating a surprise birthday party
Which of course only exist in my wildest imagination
Anyway I need to shout out a big thank you
Subway Hakataya Boost BR Nandos for cheering me up
When most of my friends at home are ignorant of my bday lol
And also my hommie, for the present and cake and company

Omg I'm in a new age category in most surveys now
That pisses me off a little bit
And also meaning I am in another stage of life
Where I should be doing something
But well, I am doing a postgraduate degree
Which might or might not be useful

I am still grateful and happy about my life
Finally get more time to focus on what I want to do and learn
Living a life too chilly until I feel stressed
Starting on a project very intimidating but I'm on it
and I am adapting to the new life pretty well
Don't think I love Brisbane until I want to stay here forever
But the more I get to know it,
The more I like it
And it's good, right?
For me to like the city I'm in
Hopefully the life that comes with it too

My wish for this year?
Get a job
Get my projectsss done--develop a second interest/career
Keep learning--effectively
Travel with family
Stay happy


April list review

Posted by Qi... on 08:58
As usual, I like to set a to-do-list which is not really realistic
But I am kind of proud of my achievement in first month
10/15 items ticked!
But I haven't achieve the most important item
So yeah I need to really put effort there
Cause it is get a job or perish situation

I think I'm on a path of self destruction lol
Other than the very gloomy prospect of me getting a job in Malaysia after this
I am everywhere again
 Thinking about places that I should go and things I should do
As always, I am looking forward to go somewhere else

It is definitely too early to think about post graduation plan
But that's what's in my mind recently
I'm tempted to study more Idk why lol
Academic institution always give me this illusion
I love the atmosphere of being in a uni
On one hand I'm excited to learn about many other things and thinking about post-doc or fellowship
Another hand I'm just tired of these endless path
And my wish to just stay at some lakeside house and tend a farm grow stronger lol
Sometimes I wonder why I always strike off this thought
It is not entirely a bad idea
But why am I so resistant toward leaving all these meaningless pursuit behind

I'm tired of thinking about ways of living that fulfill societal expectation
It's like a race that you already know the ending of it
At the end I will gain certain amount of fortune, some property maybe, with a family and (too hard for me to imagine) maybe kids
No one will win over time and we all come to the same ending
So why the hell do we need to fight and work so hard
and put off the pleasure and fun
 I guess I am growing more and more radical in this sense
But yeah, I am looking for a motivation for me to stick to the "right" path

Maybe I am really "money monk"
According to Internet, that means I think money is evil and will not put it as my lifegoal
While I feel slightly jealous about how rich people have so many choices
But like what ma biatch said, don't compare
I'm learning that, but that sour feeling still seeps out once in a while

I don't know if that means me wasting away my life
But yes a nun cooking and planting her own food in a monastery sounds like a dream plan lol
Let's not get too carried away lol
I've learned over the time plan doesn't work
So maybe I can just start with creating a more practical list for May

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