Be prepared

Posted by Qi... on 01:35

Lesson of the week.
Be prepared. 
Work harder
Things don't just work well on its own

Sometimes u need Plan from A-Z, backupsssss
You can waste your time
But please don't eat away people's LIFE.
That 1 hour mean a lot more for them.
Quote from my dear Ms.Y
Please don't go in if you are not serious and well-prepared for it.

I'm always a OPTIMIST. Who likes to procrastinate.
Double the risk

For yourself and also the people you deal with.

Please, try harder.
If you really care.


【转】That's it, the only one

Posted by Qi... on 00:46

 1. 《無論你遇見誰,他都是對的人。》


※ 2. 《無論發生什麼事,那都是唯一會發生的事。》


※ 3.《不管事情開始於哪個時刻,都是對的時刻。》


※ 4.《已經結束的,就已經結束了。》





Posted by Qi... on 02:02

Before you could stood up and 
You are changed and shaped by the education you received

Recently I heard another TED talk

About how great an empire Great Britain is
lol....NO! It's about Education
The reason we have our education system now is
Once upon a time, when The Great Britain has 
It need an effective system to control everything
they need those low low officers like clerk
Who are identical
This is where the school came from
with same set of curriculum, exams to examine the quality 
You don't need to have critical thinking,
it's good for you just to have enough knowledge to handle the documents
Isn't it interesting to know,
these 12 years of schooling we have been through, 
was initially intended to train us into the bureaucratic officer that we hate the most? :P

Time for some changes.

And this Mr. Mitra tell us
the best teacher, in fact
is the child themselves
"Because you left us computer that only uses English
And he did experiment everywhere
coined as Hole in the wall
because he left computer with Internet access in a hole in the wall
and let the child explore
especially at rural rural rural India
where the child know nothing about english, biology and stuff
and the outcome was surprising
they teach themselves well!

Child figure out things. FAST
and they learn better when they know they have no one to rely on
and when they take the initiative
they learn more passionately and simply with better outcome!
This is where the magic comes.

Google this guy.
Sugata Mitra. School in the cloud
You'll find a lot more.

Be the change that you want in the world

Hehe, my favorite monkey is the winner in the game XD
Seriously felt Einstein is the smartest guy in these few centuries. 
And suspected as autism/Asperger :p
He always ring the bell. Even when the whole world are sleeping and took decades to decode his words.



Posted by Qi... on 16:09




這時候,農舍外面的驢子早已因為白天工作得太累而無精打采, 呼嚕呼地嚕睡著了。 



八成是瘋了,白天不幹活也就罷了,竟敢趁機夜來襲擊我!」於是衝進房裡取出獵槍,扣下板機,子彈衝膛而出,可憐的傻驢子就這麼被一槍斃 命,嗚呼哀哉。 

天性 是改不了的



Posted by Qi... on 23:54

活动 学业 自己
只想懒懒的 泡着

同学说 看清我
能做 但懒惰
但只要能完成工作 就算了
我还想说 大家把我想得太好了
我的责任心 和 道德心 
仅存一点愧疚感 和罪恶感

最想做的事 是扫开桌上的一切
抱着枕头 舒服的做我的无尾熊

把我推上 可以顺利呼吸的岸边
或许 我就习惯了 




Posted by Qi... on 00:04

The reason why I write.
Partly is because I know my darlings are stalking me :p

But above all, 
it is about emptying your heart.
Especially when I'm busy, stress
when it is the most wrongest timing to write
I do that. Compulsively
Pouring everything into paper
sucks out the bad feeling.
Or at least I feel so

Especially when you write with the traditional way
(Gosh my writing is so ugly now, unrecognizable >.< )
When the ink flows out and speak with you
You feel the stone-weight at your heart lighten

Should find some time to write.
In fact simply scribble some Chinese words make me feel  good
Remind me of high school time,
when we write on papers, textbooks, table, whiteboard
Passing notes. Spreading rumors :p
Cant stop "talking" even when the teachers stare at you

Remember those paper with teardrops.
Those word shine with hope
Papers that you hide in drawers.
Little words that make you smile

So, just write and throw the emotion junk away.
Carry your thoughts and dreams with you
But not the emo face :)



Posted by Qi... on 16:12

A program your brain write
to protect you against every possible harm
Even yourself

If our brain is so simple till we can understand it
Then we wont be able to understand it anyway

I always had strong reflex
A HARD case for every clinic
My gag reflex took me 3 sessions
Remin me of Dr.Annie's joke
It only take 1 PhD Doctor and 4 undergrad to take a look on my larynx ha 
So do my blink response
It just took 3 student clinician and one lecturer
to help me put on a contact lens

Sorry for causing everyone such trouble

My body just love itself a little more
Or trust myself less.
haha, you know I always cause harm to my dear body :p



Posted by Qi... on 02:59


其实知道 是老毛病了
我妈说的 欠医生钱
过一两个星期 就会好了
这次 希望也是如此

他会说 不用回来了 省车费
老人家睡得沉了 早上了还没起来
你会怕 这么一睡 会不会醒不来了
这次会不会 比较严重

回家 感受一下家庭温暖也好

而且 老人家总爱口是心非
你问他 他说不用买了

老妈 在有限的两天内
很努力的 在餐桌上填满我爱的食物 耶!
探过来说 要听你分享学校的故事
太可爱了 XD
我很虚伪的忏悔 回来一趟好像劳烦大家
要买这买那 要老爸帮我跑腿 七早八早买车票

让家人看看我 也让我看看他们 
瘦了 弱了 还是 又胖了
让他们有机会拉着我的手 说往事
让我可以靠着妈妈 聊有的没的
就这样 不productive也很开心 :)

明明吃的 是家里打包的便当
但少了拌饭的笑语 饭后成列的水果甜品
凌乱的房间 和 有了我就变得比较乱的家




Posted by Qi... on 18:55

Hate the feeling of coming back over the weekend
and found works piling over you
especially when it is not academic related

How I wish this is true
Am being a bad ass recently
sometimes i had a strong feeling to let go
and just hide in my shell and be a hermit crab
kinda stuck in the middle now



How I cope with stress

Posted by Qi... on 23:47

Ok, I'm stressed up
for the unpredictability
and me losing sense of direction

So when i'm distressed,
I hang around, eat junk food
numb my senses with games and facebook and sleep
everything else except the thing I need to face,
and end up facing bigger trouble than I had in the first place
Avoidance is my way to get away

In the end, it's just kids!

And good thing is they don't cry in my session :D
Hope it stay this way
Treat me well kiddo!
Though I'm still doing you no good for now.


Welcome to Holland

Posted by Qi... on 12:53


Emily Perl Kingsley.

I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......

When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.

After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."

"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."

But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.

The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, 
famine and disease. It's just a different place.

So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.

It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."

And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.

But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.

It's not only about having child with disability.
It's much more.
Things almost never go the way you want it to be
Many of us, like me, are at Holland.
I can survive, at any corner, and have fun occasionally,
Sometimes you get so comfortable than you wonder,
why on earth I didn't thought of Holland in the first place,
But still, Italy haunts.....
The story without an ending is the one that puzzle you the most
You still hold that guidebook dear to heart, flip through it,
and wonder, what if?
Let that question mark be a stroke of wonder in your life portrait
or step on another plane, it will bring you to Italy.......or somewhere else :)
But you can still have fun, or hop on another flying journey and you will get there
But that Italy is never gonna be the Italy in your dream


Child of Star

Posted by Qi... on 23:29

Have fun in clinic before the kidssss arrive :D
Sometimes I think we buy all these for our own liking

First time is precious because it only happen once.
You don't know what to expect, perhaps you don't even expect
So you face it with whatever you have within
Or overthink everything and get so nervous and fussy and make everyone else stree

Wanted to remember that unease feeling
Multiple scenario running in your head
You refresh your email every 5 second to get confirmed answer
The small delight when you see his name and decide to choose that little kido

Toys shopping everywhere(for my own pleasure too LOL)
Plan everything over your head. over and over again.
Spend several nights just for 45 min.
Still can't believe we get so busy just for one child!

The first moment you saw him (bad instinct)
First time he wave back to you
The little fireworks inside when he let you hold his hand
Joy when he spurts out words
and how he is getting better, in my imagination perhaps

The way I wanted to remember my first client.
But I'm not sure if he would remember me at ALL
He never look at me into eyes T.T

They are child of star

You only have one chance. To do it right or not.
Soon they will step in another door and left you behind
Just hope you leave something good in them :)

NOW! It's just NOW!


Blink...and that's IT

Posted by Qi... on 22:27

Read a book recently :p
I'm kinda into neuroscience all these while
So I borrowed this after paying rm20 fine to National Library
(holiday+too lazy to walk)
and I bring this back >.<
Seriously don't scare die.
Hope I remember to renew, I don't wanna create new record for fine again.

So it's about instinct
Thinking without even thinking :p
Yay, sounds amazing right?
That instantaneous moment you saw something
there are millions of ongoing neural processes passing through impulses all over your brain
and think before you are aware of the process of thinking

Therefore sometimes, 
the instinct that pop out, is the answer 
when you overload it with more information
when you try to get the answer behind it
you lost it

The book covered lots of interesting research
about behavior, psychology
and they tell you
sometimes in making decision or conclusion
you only need few to know few deciding factors
for example, if you want to know whether a marriage would last
you get the couple to talk about conflict they have recently
and they found that just by identifying the microexpression(Yeay, true story of LIE TO ME )
you can sense which couple will last longer
only FEW seconds is needed
and if there is presence of COMTEMPT
then, sure die.
but we never know which factor
You can't such a thorough research on everything

This book is like freakonomic :p
It touches on a lot of topic
like how TALL, DARK and HANDSOME man really get advantages
How NEW and CREATIVE things that are too cutting-edge get shoved by market research
because it is just too mind-blowing for people  to accept it is good in the first place
How when our adrenaline rush to a certain highpoint, we become irrational
How prejudice exist and twist your mind even when you think you are being fair
How our mind are shaped by these little things are we are not even aware of

I like how it makes you look into things with different perspective
Blink and see it in a different way
Trust your instinct
but not 100%
because even if the first thought are the process of sophisticated thinking process that bypass our conscious judgement
It's still ONLY inside your head
and the world is just too much for a tiny brain.

:) Cheers, and blink ;D

The author that looked like DJ from 80s for me :p



Posted by Qi... on 19:01
Word of the year.
with some discipline.

You are responsible, not only to yourself.



MOHEC again :P

Posted by Qi... on 23:09

I contradict myself, a lot
I keep saying I'm gonna quit debate, it's not my thing
But I spent another weekend on a tournament again, 
and I'm still in the club
Though I found more relief and pleasure in skipping the training *wink*

It's MOHEC @ UM.
My first tournament in 1st year.
First time representing UKM debater after being selected in a super competitive selection
Maybe I stayed because the faith they put in me
The opportunity they gave me
Simply because I haven't get what I want in debate

Definitely not the same people now :p

Well, probably now I can present things fluently now
But yet to reach what I set out for
Not to mention the level of analysis and critical thinking skill
and how to look at things in a bigger picture
Erm, about the knowledge, hehe, 
then i'd be a moving Wikipedia, Qiqipedia haha

Probably because breaking is fun
Hearing people talk about things TOOOOO not MY WORLD is interesting :)

Did a lot of talking this time
That's why my voice quality fall steeply
Glad I have team mates that come from rehabilitation science also 
Always like to hear these stories
Inspiring one like how you can help
And saddening one on how little we can do
some people had magical ability to make deep conversation
They just ask simple question like this is how it should be
How are you doing? What do you feel? Did you really achieve what you want?
Goshhh, kinda feel like interviewed but answering these questions make me clear out things too

Ajak my dearest friend at UM to meet up.
If not what to do whole night?
One funny coincidence.
Bought a T-shirt for her. And when she showed up, she wore exactly the same T-shirt!!!!!
end up she had 2 same T-shirt
Talked for 2 hours.
Glad that we still can had such conversation after months
I know she is always very distant and one day I'll get tired of pulling the thread
But just glad we had all these time together

Debate is not my life, I'm probably not going to work too hard for it
Passion long gone. Butt still I wanna find a place in it.
To get to listen to or join intellectual discussion concern on our society and what's going on the Earth
For the speeches that blow your mind
For beautiful flowery languages that make you nod with them
I may still be recognized by not bad novice (I'M NOT NOVICE ANYMORE)
But yeah, if you want to do well, you must pay for it
I'm just too lazy uhhhh

I'm so gonna regret not joining MDO for reasons I don't even remember now!
Malaysia Debate Open!

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