A noisy day.

Posted by Qi... on 23:18

So finally I had my first experience of a play group. With children with hearing impairment.
Ironically it is not in our own clinic
Anyway I saw the post by senior in the Speechies group
I was like, yeah I missed the last AVT program and I should totally go for this one
Btw I think this AVT name was totally a hook
Nothing much to do with Auditory-Verbal Therapy really
It was a parent support group event
So they invited some speakers to share about techniques to communicate with HI children
and the parents need some babysitter obviously
So here we are to conduct some meaningful functional therapeutic activities for the little angles

Surprisingly all these children with hearing impairment and their siblings were so lively
The best adjectives for them is noisy
They were running and shouting around when we reached there.
The true face of all these monsters lol
Their excitement level so high I don't know how to handle nia

Glad that I went for this event even though it is the day after our coursenight
Was totally exhausted and drained off
Was really worried that I would overslept
(I basically missed every 8am lecturer that week)
But good that my brain recognize the importance of this thing and wake me up on time
Also really thanks to jp who willing to accompany me(im not sure is it entirely by self-will or she is just too soft-hearted :p )

Glad to see an old senior
She was so warm and even introduced me as someone who helped her a lot in her thesis
lol I think you got the wrong one
I was the session helper in the thesis project for two times only I guess
It was very precious experiences because I never saw any children with cleft lip and palate since then
Too bad no chance to explore if I will like this population
I only remember therapy with CLP kids involve a lot of pinching nose lol

All these volunteer thingy.
You forgot what you did after some time.
What you learnt.
All you remember is that feeling.
Doing something new. Talking with parents.
Having fun with these kids(Yea all the hair tangled moments will turn into fun in your memories)
That satisfaction. Just that alone is enough.

So for this day we went to KL Library
(Yes there is a KL library and it was quite pretty but cant see the book, just like our national library
Can never understand why they like to hide the books
but finally we saw the I LOVE KL logo! Too bad cant take photo)
The session wasnt really planned and the kids werent really predictable
So basically we were kindergarten teachers for one day
With all these springy jumpy kids the thing I did the most whole day is pull them back and ask them to sit lol
and bringing children to washroom >.<
Nanny in daycare center. The parents peeking in during their break just make me feel totally babysitter.

Anyway we had fun with all the activities
Really trained my interaction skills and play skills plus language stimulation skill
But dont really have chance to practice all the techniques of acoustic highlighting and stuff
Because it is simply too noisy
Sang nursery rhymes for N times till I am literally out of breath
The kids like London Bridge so much and they form such a cute train
Best thing is they liked the story telling part
They were so engrossed and so excited when we asked them to act out the story haha
I had fun being the actor as well. Shout and run like I am really chased by a bear. Maybe I will be calmer when I see a real bear lol.
But yea it is good to throw off everything and just have fun

Came to think that I actually wrote that I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher during my SECONDARY school.
I must lost my rational on that time. This idea is insane.
Yea not primary so not naive thoughts and I kinda surprised my Malay teacher
She was seriously concerned about my career choice and wanted to give me a counselling session lol
I still think I love kids
But they drained away your energy so fast!

No matter what you always learn something from others.
They were actually much better than what I expected.
For example I thought this little kid who did not talked at all was severely delayed
Siapa tahu after mingled with me he was super verbal and even requested to do commands with 5 item!
LOL I also can't remember 5 things at once this boy really pushing the limit huh

They might be happy normal growing lively children in any other way
But still they are living with a device.
Yes to the minimum extent at least they are fortunate enough to get HA or CI early in life
But that device brings them more than increased hearing ability.
With it comes the label. and a lot of perceptions from others
Being a SLP-to-be and learned so much about aural rehabilitation and cochlear implant but
I cant get accustomed to the view of a device hanging around the back of your ear. Or on top of your head.
I am grateful for existence of such wonderful technology but still
Looking at the electronic device that needs extra care and battery for sustenance dangling around
I cant helped to feel worried for them. For the uncertainty and unreliability of the device.
Every 15 minutes I need to help a child to wear their hearing aid or cochlear implant device cause it fall off
Nothing can hang on their ear for long when they run and jump like this
But I dont really have a lot of experience with hearing aids and some of the devices are emitting feedback
and I was like......did I put it on correctly? Do I need to adjust?

Can't imagine how the parents need to take care of all these
Since most of the kids are not mature enough to take care of themselves
This is a full-time commitment
You know having a kid with disability require extra commitment
and these parents are definite the A star student cause they even attended this extra special class
Thumbs up!

Well, my SV commented about me being ignorant of the situation of parents at home
This is a good chance for me to have a glimpse of the family functioning
Just managed to took a very small peek and had some random chats with the parents
But it is better than nothing
Gave me a more realistic picture of how things going at least

What shines the most throughout the event was----Sibling love.
Looking at the protective brother and sister of the children with hearing impairment.
I was so touched.
They literally form a wall beside their loved one
Protect them defend them and voice out for them
Because they know they need to be strong to protect their little siblings
They looked so mature and motherly/fatherly
They were like, *shove strangers away* dont walk near, dont harm him/her, this is my family!
Even though those little kids are spoilt and like to throw tantrum but....
They were in the "this is my family so only I can scold them mode.
You say one thing and you are dead."
That aura is just pure love. Awwwww <3 <3 <3
I believe this is a blessing in disguise.
May this sibling love prevails and persist

One day the protected one will grow up and be the pillar of support in times of need.

Will have a playgroup for HI children in coming two weeks and we need to plan for it now.
Not sure if I am really looking forward to it(study week and exam first >.<)
but I hope I can see some familiar faces =)
Will miss you kiddo



Posted by Qi... on 21:28

一直覺得 逢年過節一起做應節食物
因為 就是 這份回憶 這份滋味

說真的 屈原楚辭寫得多好 今人大多看不懂吧
他對中華文化最大的貢獻 還是粽子兮

每次冬至 一起搓湯圓
用 斑斕葉 火龍果 蘿蔔汁 把粉團染成不同顏色
小時候 總是搓不圓(其實現在還是 =。=)
端午節包粽子 應該只做過一兩次吧
甚至是心血來潮的 做餃子 包子 菜粿
兩母女 在廚房 在後廳 或在地上
圍著幾個小碗 手裡拿著粉團 又搓又包的
現在回想 都很珍貴的親子時光

從粽葉 糯米 栗子 一樣樣挑 炒香
細心地扎好 不讓餡料露出來
用幾個小時的水蒸氣 把糯米蒸軟
看著它從米粒 變粽子 的成長過程

老實說 自己做的 不一定最好吃
你可以想象 我們的產品 是沒有品檢QC的
但是 自己吃起來 特別有滋味
這個忘了放花生粉 那個很肥的是我包的
那個爆了的 還是我包的
就是 那種 一起完成一件事的小小滿足感
讓所有食物 自動加5顆星

感恩我這個遊子 還有吃居家粽子的機會
雖然 我到現在還是什麼都不會做
(最近認真覺得我的learning mechanism有問題)
但是如果老媽不嫌麻煩 我還是堅持要做

這些粽子 算是reach maximum potential了 人生無憾啊




Posted by Qi... on 00:57


人家說一句 要一起走下去
是委屈 是幸福

只能 祝福


Long weekend

Posted by Qi... on 01:41

Had an non-productive weekend with much fun
It is very depressing to slept at 2am for one whole week
But......if this is the price I had to pay for the fun,
I guess I just have to bear with it.

So we finally had the AGM for the KTSN debaters club :)
Had a luxurious lunch at Sushi Tei with bunch of noisy kids
Was surprised to see almost all Bangi debaters came as well!
Wow, that was what we called gathering
But too bad I didn't really have chance to talk to Darryl.....
All my batchmates are graduating this year gosh!
Now I am the oldest undergraduate in this club! Other than Patricia haha

With the young kids. I feel old lol

The big family photo <3
And I found out......I L.O.V.E raw salmon!
(My purse is gotta have a bigger hole from now on)

By the way this is the first time our KTSN UKMdebaters are having election
Debaters that always champion right were not given rights to vote at all
Dictactor and senior power prevails here
Historical ground-breaking moment and we have our dinosaur senior Darryl as the Election Committee lol
Apparently someone's maths is too bad---can't differentiate 2 and 3 >.<
I am sooooooooooooooo glad to witness a speechies as the venerable President lol
Flanked by two deputy-a Dental and another Speechies hehe
May the new committee bring the club to the right path in the coming new semester :)

Back to JingSi Cafe again to met JiaYing and finish some work here.
Such a big coincidence that Yang Wei Han is giving a talk here today =)
So listened to some nice stories and songs while I am working on my assignemnt
Sorry not an attentive listener but I enjoyed his sharing
and truly anticipating his coming Musical Drama
It is at Istana Budaya! Totally should go for it!
Any free tickets around? *wink*
Love all his sharing on Dharma and Buddhism
Guessed my temper became so bad recently cause I didn't read much recently
Totally need some nourishment and cleansing here
I wish I have the time(if you scroll fb a little bit lesser >.<)

Ended Saturday with a discussion that last till 2am and here we go for an exciting Sunday.

And.....finally we D.I.D it!
Finally had Dialogue in the Dark after series of surprise lol
First time---it was closed on Monday >.<
Second time---my persuasion doesnt work
Third time---I am totally unaware that my watch was late for 30mins and we missed our bookings! Luckily the staff allow us to change ticket =) So nice of them
Thanks to JiaYan who are still willing to come with me
After few unsuccessful tries I actually gave up since this is such a hectic week for us
So I sent this girl a link(http://www.timothytiah.com/2014/05/23/how-it-feels-to-be-blind/) and think it is fine for us to read through and assume we experienced these as well
But she felt more like trying after reading through it
Yeah, my tactic works lol

Always felt experience is the most valuable thing one could get with money
It was fun, experiencing everything by touching and hearing only
Sometimes this world is too much for us
Sensory overload and in the end you can't appreciate anything
Feeling the wind and the bird chirping is so refreshing and calming =)

But still, darkness is not something we are familiar to
We had sticks, wall and guide yet we felt insecure without things/hand to hold.
Our experiences were just one tenth of what the blinds really felt
Because they have none in the reality.
Instead, they had noises, crowd and I can imagine the situation is only harsher for them.

I feel really grateful when our tourguide Mimi shared her story with us <3
She is so inspiring and her story is so moving
Another thing I feel like wanna salute her is she had this urge to tell her stories to the visitors every day
to awaken them to encourage them
She stressed to us so many times.
If I can finish university, you can too!
If you think this is miracle, you can create miracle as well <3
Treat the person with disability as equal
She had so many messages to tell the public and I think this is just the right place for her
All the best to you Mimi =)
You are the change you want to see in the world and this world is a better place because of you.

Btw, for those who are interested to go for Dialogue in the Dark, don't be upset if you missed it because they will open a permanent center at Jaya One after July! :D

Brought Jia Yan to my favorite Petronas Art Gallery before and after DID
So glad she enjoyed it as well =)
She are so serious in interpreting all the artworks
For the first time I felt so good to have a company at the Art Gallery
We had so much fun guessing the ideas of the author or simply commenting on their work =)
This is the second time I'd been to their READrawing exhibition by the way
But I still feel amazed by all the artworks =)
Cheers to Petronas for this awesome place :D
Petronas is always my favorite company haha.

Lastly, had a free food sample feast around at the so-called Korean food fair at ISETAN
Get so full from all the free food, from fried chicken to maggi to biscuit to ice-cream :) teehee
and bought FEW boxes of Kellogs and decided to be Santa Claus for one night
Providing room delivery service to my little kuacis <3 at 1230am >.<
Cause I was too caught up with the Thomas cup and only started to write sweet notes on 1130pm
Every 15 mins I was surprised at how late it was but the surprise is.....
These little kuaci havent slept yet....gosh! Masa I first year dulu I pun tak busy macam ni lo
For unknown reason, just feel like treating them well and pamper them with love
Don't envy ya, next time we will have some for old people haha.

I miss my weekend terribly now :'(

.......................Don't misjudge me!
I did most of my assignments before I went out and WeT lo
But you know la, the workload never finish one.
Last week liao still got assignment >.< Bangwall!



Posted by Qi... on 00:50

你看看大夥兒合照 就你一個人沒有笑
是我們裝傻 還是你真的有很多普通人沒有的困擾

我才懶得給你解藥 反正你愛來這一套
為愛情折腰 難道不是你一直以來戒不掉的癖好

你在想誰想到睡不著 你應該覺得驕傲

很多人想失戀也沒有目標 只是想睡個好覺 別炫耀

沒什麼不好 你就怨日子枯燥

你給我聽好 想哭就要笑

新的剛來到 舊的就忘掉
渺小的控訴 就是你想要的生活情調

還會有人讓你睡不著 還能為某人燃燒
我親愛的 這樣浪漫的煎熬不是想要就能要

沒什麼不好 你就怨日子枯燥

你給我聽好 想哭就要笑
新的剛來到 舊的就忘掉

沒什麼不好 你就怨日子枯燥

你給我聽好 想哭就要笑
新的剛來到 舊的就忘掉



是時候 振作了



Posted by Qi... on 02:41

經過麻麻檔 看到一排排黑壓壓的頭
方向一致 全神貫注對準電視機
都跟著理智 被埋在地底了
湯杯 兩年一次 不看直播 看報紙哪過癮
話說 馬來西亞居然二十二年沒拿過湯杯 OMG
從我出生以來 全國人民都在等著這一刻啊

我唯一會的 就只有羽球
羽球是我唯一和家人 一起看 一起打 的运动
所以 現在看著球賽 真的有很多特殊的回憶

记得从小到大 跟妈妈一起看汤杯
老妈很爱国 也很有爱心

第一次看他打球 就被攝住了
但是 我真正愛的
是那種 這冠軍非我莫屬你們誰都別想染指 的氣勢
是對自己 200分的信任
但是 他的自信不是盲目的 而是真的有料
當他冠軍越拿越多 球技越來越高 越打越輕鬆的時候
我真的很懷念 那個不滿二十歲
像火箭般直升空中 然後奮力殺球 扣球的傻小子
很大聲用球拍告訴世界 我是世界最強 的小子

球場 是公平的
沒有人 可以不經練習
就這樣 手握球拍步入球場
然後 奇跡似的獲勝
有人說 這些比賽 對李宗偉不公平
但是 練習 別人說不定練得更刻苦 壓力 難道對手沒有嘛
有人說 中國贏了這麼久了 可不可以讓其他國家贏一次
但是人家中國投入多少人力物力時間 人家的運動員也是這般苦練 他們的努力 難道不需要肯定
背後不只是運動員的心血 運氣 還有整個國家的體育資源
資本夠厚 實力強大 管他什麼裁判不公風向不順

無論什麼比賽 只要有林丹鮑春來(這個真的純粹因為他可愛)
跟朋友 拖著行李 在飯店門口
跌了 再站起來 再跌 再站 再跌 再站
那種堅毅 到最後的絕望
我突然 不忍心了
就是球技不如人 天不助你 還能說什麼
但是那一刻 跟全國人民的心一樣
我希望 他能了願
給他一個 他應有的肯定


球速快得完全挑戰我的eye-tracking ability
我的processing speed更是完全追不上
太快了 球太快了
真的 沒有magic 只有basic
才能在球場中 讓直覺引領你

自己心裡在想 還要看下去嗎
那個你去看湯杯 是沒有人幫你做功課的哦
不過 還是決定支持到底
畢竟 看現場 跟看媒體成績感覺 差遠了
他們看不到 但是也可以感覺到 遠方的支持 <3

興奮到 感覺渾身觸電

哈哈 算是舒緩大家緊張的神經吧

哈哈 最好笑的是
要不是A生病 B要考試 我們就不會勉強派大仁哥上場了
在想 如果你們聽到全國各地每個角落的支持者的聲音
會不會打得更起勁 還是更壓力

最後還是很遺憾的 跟湯杯無緣
(ps 李宗偉跟獎杯真的很無緣)
(去timba pengalaman 怎麼不派年輕點的 >.<)
這樣的表現真的很棒 雖敗猶榮
盡力了 打得很棒了
明明有實力 還失水準更要死
如果 我們不給誠實中肯的評語
你看球賽時 教練團 隊友的表情
雖敗猶榮這種漂亮話 還是免了吧

連我這個門外漢 看了幾屆湯杯都看得出
馬來西亞選手 永遠死在網前
我也在想 整個馬來西亞的希望
就寄放在他身上 會不會太重了
怎麼我們沒有別人了嗎 他的肩膀好像還扛不起

我們的球員 平均都24,25
想說 這是第一個湯杯 也是最後一個湯杯是嗎
這是球員生涯巔峰 也近末期了吧
看著他們追著年輕球員在球場跑的這麼吃力 真的不忍心
像李宗偉這樣三十歲的人了 還在羽球場滿場飛 真的是個例外
整個馬來西亞 成千上萬的孩子 在打羽球 發李宗偉夢
我們居然有青黃不接的現象 情何以堪

羽球 在日本完全就是冷門

但是 你們不是最好的 因為你們還可以做得更好
我相信 我們都看到了
下一次 我們能做的更好 我相信


I need counseling skills

Posted by Qi... on 16:30

That moment
I felt like I failed my whole counseling course
Ignoring the fact that I wasn't mentally present in class the whole semester
I did took a counseling course
But I was completely speechless on that moment
And I can't resist myself to guess
Is it tears swirling in his eyes?

This is not the first time he mentioned Aivern
He tried so hard to grab every chance he can and cannot
Then every time there would be this awkward silent moment
s.i.l.e.n.c.e for 10 seconds
Then people would continue whatever they are talking about
And apparently, he is now the white elephant no one wants to talk about

Thought of taking this case as my scenario for counseling assignment but I dare not do so
Cause I can't solve the case.
Plus the way debater talk and express their emotions are so peculiar I don't expect normal citizen could understand
So he told me he really hate the fact Aivern took away his life.
By hanging himself. He could suggest a lot more better ways.
He hate the fact that their last memory is about discussion of pedophile
He tell me how people suicide because they want to show they still have control over their life
By ending their life they just want to tell you they are the boss >.<
The logic goes here.

So we listened to the whole story
and his girlfriend managed to divert his attention
He will get dismissed, again and again
until someone figure out what to say
I know, this is a way for him to release the sadness.

In fact, I felt warm inside
Someone always kept him in mind
After all the sensational discussion faded
He remembers. He hold on to all those memories and the only thing he wish to do
Is to have a better farewell.
Too bad Aivern didn't gave us this chance.
Too bad we didn't move into his sight when he was struggling at the dead end

I know this question is meaningless but I still wonder,
If he saw all these people who kept him dear in heart,
will he make the same choice again?



Posted by Qi... on 02:10

It might sound bizzare,
but I am starting to like all these assignments
even though they make me stay up till 3 am every morning
(true reason is I couldn't stop scrolling)

I love to be stimulated.
To learn new things. Have new thoughts. Be inspired. 

Love the feeling of
having a question stuck in your mind and you cant think of anything else
Your curiosity demand you to find out the answer
Even though it is not necessary
Even though it took up so many of your time
Even though everyone told you to stop
But you still cant
You went round and round to various website
You thicken your face to pm people that you dont talk to
Because you must. You are compelled to.
You just need to get the key or else you are stuck in that haze
Surprised to found this spirit inside me
Just so glad I am still this curious little baby

Love this feeling when I am giving the verdict in a debate
Even though a lot of my statements are baseless
Was quite impressed by myself for being able to speak for 30 min lol
Somehow I got an empty brain but can speak for that long >.<
I know I am not a good debater/trainer/adj
But this is the best I could offer and yea, 
I love this bunch of crazy random lovely juniors
So much that I am considering postponing my go home trip
Yea I am amazed by myself too

On a sidenote,
I always think one needs to have lots of confidence and courage to speak
Just voicing out your opinion
Either in front of a crowd or a bunch of people
You need more than the ability to speak, you need faith in your content too
Some can be so eloquent without knowing anything about what they are talking about
But some always have this doubt inside that they could never present their ideas with full confidence
I don't know which one is better or worse
But recently I am getting more and more timid
Probably because my confidence is shrinking as well >.<

Back to my love life mode,
Love the feeling of being inspired
Love my constant source of inspiration.
That guy, he is always shining with dazzling lights
The passion and sense of expectation
The excitement when he talks about the coming future
That glazing eyes could lit up any listeners
So grateful for his wonderful presence because he always show me
The bigger path and wider world
The better and achievable me
It is time to find my own source of fire
Thank you so much <3

Although I hate this
But I am forcing myself to love this
Feeling of arguing with people
Really need to stop this pattern of shouting then silence mode
Or grab the thing and do it my way
Total dictactorship mode
Learn to communicate please girl
And you are supposed to teach people how to communicate
Irony of life. Always hit you right at the point.

Time to get out of the emotional swamp
Because you have no time to be down
Need to get on full-force mode so you can barely go through this.

Juniors were surprised I had 5 assignments left for this coming week.
5 ONLY they say lol
Well there is something known as quality and quantity
Itu assignment bukan kira dengan jari punya o ah moi

Anyway welcome to speechies life
It spells endless assignment as well


Another week

Posted by Qi... on 01:29

So finally can say goodbye to my clinic and also 518
I was counting down for this day
Thought it would be "phewww finally back to normal life" moment
But apparently life is never easy
I just fall from a sleep-deprived week to another crazier week
Closer to dateline with a longer to do list fml

First time ending a camp with negative emotion
The moment I dragged my bag and crossed the road
I was like an explosive fire ball
Am so stressed that I can't help with the cleaning up
I tell myself: If you can't do something whole-heartedly and willingly, don't do it.
So I came back earlier, irregardless of the consequence

When I am working on our presentation slides straight till midnight
with less than 8 hours of sleep in 3 days
I really feel like I would collapse like I can close my eyes anywhere
But after getting some rest this afternoon
I finally get out of the I-might-close-my-eyes-anytime mode
and feeling normal again
I guess it is part of my sleep-deprived symptom

So yeah, this is the biggest camp we ever organized
With nearly 600 participants and 300 committee member,
It is just soooo huge for me to handle lol
This is the first time I took up the responsibility as the Coordinator(little one among giants)
I should feel very very proud. 
For all the effort we poured in these two months, all the meeting in KJ, all the spamming emails 
finally bear the fruit that we want
But no. I don't have the sense of accomplishment. Not a little.

I always believe in one principle.
The more you contribute, the more you gain.
For this time being, or for quite some time, I wasn't being the contributing one.
No hard work, no sense of achievement. Fair enough.

But if you ask me did I feel 
No regret. Maybe little.
No regret for taking up the post because I really learned a lot,
and there will never be a good timing.
But also little regret because I did not put in my best and 
I guess I forgot the motto I always repeat to myself during high school.
Never do things that will make you regret.

Sometimes I wonder since when I became so selfish
Irresponsible. Detached. Cold
My fittest survive theory tell me my priority come first, 
because if I don't solve my own problem,
No one else can/will help and you are the only one bearing the direct consequence.
I know this is bad for social survival
But I can't unlearn it now

Just like I can't turn of my judgemental eye
After a camp, all the comments turned so positive
Great job! Everyone is wonderful! Daebak!
Like all the mess never occured and we created a dream camp together.
But I knew, there were so many imperfections
There are so many things that could be better
I can't truly congratulate the committee nor myself sincerely
I can thank everyone for their contribution, be grateful things went well, 
but to congratulate on the success,
I just can't say out things I am not fully convinced of.

Being able to see from behind the scene
Also endowed me with a new perspective
Due to my grey mood recently, my view was grey too.
Being the pampered particpants and being the committee is just so different
I guess I just haven't adapt to my new role,
That's why I got really annoyed with the demanding act of some people
And behind the all wonderful stage there is a lot of hard moments.
Struggle, negotiation, compromise, endless discussion
But what touches me the most is all the
Who contribute and give everything out conditionlessly
They attend the meeting more frequently and punctually than us 
even though they have career and family to take care of
They are the strongest pillar and without them,
SERIOUSLY We couldn't make it without them.
I couldn't be more grateful to them.


Despite all the negativeness I did enjoyed the process
It was truly a learning and growing process
Being the coordinator, putting my feet in everything is fun
This is when I really see how every group function together to make this camp works
The part I enjoyed the most is actually the labour work
Not the walkie-talkie 5 more mins, get ready! part
Randomly washed dishes together
Arranged all the table chair with the minion army and worked like kuli
Because these are the most down-to-earth act
最踏實的 用行動來付出
Guess my lack of satisfaction is because I don't really get to interact much with people especially the participants.

I need to realign my focus.
Looking at all these people, 
When they go all out to invite people to this camp
When the committee wake up at 3am,
Carrying things around and sweating all day without rest and meals
Did anyone asked?
What are we working for actually.

We worked so hard to present this camp to the particpants.
But I doubt any committee member actually know the content that we are delivering
What talks and video are they watching?
What is all this camp about?
They just have this faith------this worth the effort.
But did we really fulfill our mandate?
Now I question.
I can't resist my sarcasm of asking really at the end of every statement >.<

They are the answer to my questions,
Reading through the reflection of the participants,
other than laughing at some funny remarks
I am really searching for the answer and reassurance that I need.
All these feedback matter to me.
In fact, these are what matter the most.
I need them to tell me they enjoyed it. They benefited. They felt our effort.
Then yes, I can say it is all worth it.
Then I can ignore all the other flaws 
I just need that little assurance.

Maybe I just need to find back the 最初的感動
Like this fella.
I had the same feeling too. Years ago.
When I first get exposed to all these thing.
Guess I am numb from hearing the same tagline for years

Reminding myself, there is a reason why you are still here.
Have faith in your action and choice
Life is too short to waste on things that you don't enjoy

Not being myself recently
Or this is the ugly-monster me finally coming out
Been spitting fire at everyone and acting impulsively all the time
Annoyed peple with my "I don't care" cause I really don't
Losing passion in life is one of the worst thing that can happen to one
Found no reason to motivate myself
Lost direction
When this truly affect my quality of life, I know things went wrong.
So wrong I don't even know where to start

In moment like this, all I need is just some sleep and a book to read
But this just seems like such a luxury
Just like I know I am gonna pay for wasting time in writing blog lol
I need to find back my flow and end this social suicide tendency
I need to find back my life.

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