而是 看到自己
在沒有約束的情況下 可以淪落到什麼境界
自己有多麼不堪 就不用細說
問題的根源 不在環境 不在導師 不在個性八字
不願努力 不負責任 好高騖遠
所以 與其策劃逃亡
不改的話 去到那裡 做什麼
A tiny corner where pieces of thoughts are scattered and pearls of memory are stringed....
It's really a bad thing that I got back here
I really had some jolly good time before I feel like this cycle of unluckiness hit me back
This week is really really bad for me
Before the week started my laptop brokedown for no reason
Well such a coincidence I have sooo many deadlines and things to do this week
First they say it might cost me 500 bucks like duh, am I not broke enough
Then after two days they still haven't figure out what's wrong with it
I'm just so on fireeeeee I wanna grab my laptop back and go to another store
But point is I'm so fake I can still be polite and tell them it is ok when my rage can burn out the entire forest
My application was on hold because of some silly errors
And I'm gonna miss the deadline of all the scholars I'm aiming
Now I need to go through some test that I have no confidence in passing while spending extra few hundreds
And postpone this plan to god knows when
That's when ur quarter life crisis wave hits you so hard
Do you really want this
Why do you want this
and I don't even have the mood for my own never ending lame drama
This week gonna continue with all the MSQH nonsense and next week I'm gonna go back to life without freedom
Not to mention the Friday gathering where I have zero idea about
Saturday kids who shout at me
Life is a mess, a real mess right now
My mood swing so badly most of the time I just wanna hug myself in a corner and cry
Or watch brainless series to numb my mind
But when I got back my rationality I get all grumpy and freak out cause there are so many things that I want to do but cannot because I don't have my laptop with me
Am totally a prisoner of lappie lol
Ok just hoping the outing this week, interview next week and the course went well
Cause you need something good to look forward to right
Not the rubbish and MSQH you need to face when you got back
And yes I do need to immerse myself in water now before I explode
演奏会 讲座 电影放映会 舞台剧
很孤独的门外汉 却很自在的感受着
不评论技巧 单纯看美丑 欣赏投缘不 也很舒服自在
我想 我把每日新体验这件事 贯彻得太彻底了
有点小光荣我是半个潮州人 也认真看过四大名著 戏里的情节对白还算是听的懂
同情游客们 一边看戏 一边看字幕(翻译得很烂 直译却不达意) 还在理解中戏已经倒下一幕了
其实不了解西游记的人 看了可能会满团疑云吧
从游客的角度来说 是很新奇 很有意思的文化演绎 小朋友会喜欢吧 新奇的木偶 会飞会跳 还喷雨了
从本地人的角度来说 是个很好的文化活动 多认识潮州戏曲 重温旧时光 还可以变成亲子活动
以半个潮州人旁听潮州大戏的小妹来说 还是真人版比较好看 木偶太儿戏了 虽然木偶人可以飞 但是有很多限制 肢体表达也很有限 还有。。。好像唱得不怎么样 很多生意跟角色都不怎么搭捏
以挑骨头的心来看 很多方面的细节可以再加强 主持人完全没有准备 字幕翻译得很文言 布幕用print就算了像素还那么差 道具也很简陋
就是以小文化活动来看 是很好的开始
有传统 有新意 戏剧紧凑有张力
二十块 是为了体验 也算是支持
纯来看戏娱乐 我觉得不值
但是 假以时日 好好加强
我觉得 有潜能 变成一个文化重点节目的
也想带她去看看现场 马来西亚的表演
这几个晚上 开始熬夜看电影
还是想起侯文咏说起大学时代的电影狂热期对他的熏陶 也想多看点补充养分
还是纯粹 生活无趣 需要从虚拟人生摄取
你看 看个电影都要分析那么久
我有问题 对吧
你说 我很矛盾 我想太多
现在每天这样的小确幸 小体验
只是心里脑里 不断有个声音喊着
你不可以这样懈怠 好像我有个重大工程需要完成 而我却在翘脚
也许 就是现在手中搁着很久 应该完成的事
还是 只是我不甘寂寞 永远向前看的一颗心
现在不动 以后搁浅在这里的自己 会很痛苦
警报系统 响得快没电了
懒惰的人儿 还在得过且过 挥霍时间 不愿行动
自己跟自己过不去 是没药救的吧
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