
Posted by Qi... on 20:42

Love it when you could listen to a lecture with your eyes *bling bling*
Ears opening as wide as the eyes
and most importantly
Staying conscious throughout that two hour(wish it could be longer!)
She's officially in my idol list now. <3

Am in the learning mode now
It started to really feel like I'm receiving tertiary education
With new inputs and sparks ignited everyday
Plus the thought-provoking debate discussion in nights
Yes, I think I'm experiencing cognitive gain
Or at least I feel so haha
That's all that matters doesn't it? It's all inside my brain anyway

Excited to learn new stuff
"Mirror neuron"...Yeah!


The A

Posted by Qi... on 15:32
It's always a give and take process
I got the best A ever,
and now it's time to learn to pay for it.

You can only be as good as you wish yourself be
Time to stand taller, look further
You can


Becoming an artist.

Posted by Qi... on 14:07
Just realized I'm taking performing arts. LOL
Essentially, speech-language pathologist is putting on a show, which tries to positively influence the client. (Dwight.D, 2006)
Seems bizarre, but it is bizarrely true.

Guess I haven't fit into the entertainer's role.
The kid's friend role.
Never been good in acting although I'm among group of crazy actors lol
It's time to learn I guess,
as senior said, the gold thumb rule in therapy is to make yourself high
Influence yourself before you can influence others.

I'm trying.
To make you look into my eyes and follow my words.
Maybe not hard enough but I am trying.

I hope I won't need to be a clown


JWN @ Jasper

Posted by Qi... on 14:24

It's the annual junior welcoming dinner :)

Was little down for the week cause clinic
Totally stuck in the maze

But I feel motivated because of their words
"Think about the people you can help"
"A profession is defined by the people in it"
Senior that always provide advice and suggestions for us even after graduation <3
Even when they are miles apart
Can't tell how much I appreciate this
This is when I decided I also need to be a supportive senior
Because they would want us to pass this spirit on :)
and when we were the empty little bottle, every drop counts

Event like this always bring back memories
and create new one
Still remembered stupid things we did in first year
only when you were so naive you will put efforts into all those things
Those precious time haha

Millions thanks and love to my beloved classmates
Always there to help and support me
Cause I'm so blur, lazy and ignorant
Won't able to survive so well till now without the helping hands

Loving this big family more and more :)
Because of the warmth and care
and these cute little people

Posted by Qi... on 14:13
心情指数不断下降 到底 到谷底了吗? 希望不要再下坠了 我怕我承受不住 这只是第一个星期 我已经在高压锅里了 朋友说好压力噢 我只能告诉他 和自己 这只是开始 真正的考验 在前方 其实烦恼都是自找的不是? 人说压力下最容易看清一个人的真面目 对啊,我就是那个自私又没种的那个 就算世界翻转七百二十度 我只想舒舒服服的做自己 不祈求谅解 现在我等的是有人狠狠地 把我骂一顿 然后甩开 欺负好人 不好玩 期待接下来的运程 真的会上坡 不然我真的是要去庙烧香了



Posted by Qi... on 17:53

你的问题 月中会有答案
LOL 不问我也知道
我要的 是答案 答案

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