The long wait

Posted by Qi... on 22:10

距離八月十五 已經過了十五天
累積得變成我的normal threshold
發燒嘔吐的病人 半昏迷的病人 在學校打架的小孩
懸著的心 總是讓人不安
啊啊啊 你們可不可以有效率一點

所以 在難得的休息日去求了一支簽
其實從年頭就想去了 就這樣拖了半年
媽媽說 是好簽 因為最後會釣到魚
但是 我很急 八十歲 太久了

所以 心一直踏實
連旅行計劃 也不敢策劃到明年

寫札記 游泳 運動 學習 閱讀 的習慣都在持續著

(快一年了 還是抱著很快可以離開的希望)
好好深耕 認真學習工作
買輛車給自己行動自由 多賺點外快 做點義工
這樣的生活 就讓我很滿足了
很多時候 很想這樣就settle down
但是我知道 這樣的日子我不能撐太久
要一直提醒自己 不要被幸福小氣泡迷住
要記得 多幻麗的泡泡 都是短暫的美好

在氣泡被戳破時 還能自給自足



Posted by Qi... on 23:05

Just realized one thing
Today, or tomorrow to be exact, is the date that we are suppose to present our research at ISAAC Canada.
I guess I already swallowed the fact our university isn't the most generous one when it comes to supporting academic
But I think I need a bit of reminder over here because no one else will remember this
Or will this matter to anyone else

Seeing some of my friends happily sharing their published work
I can only sigh
I guess our work will only surface after two years (?) or more
And I am not even sure whether my name will be on it
Yea a pretty terrible way for me to begin my academician path
But anyway at least I know what will I need in the future (a rich school yes)

Had been holding everything academic behind my head
Reading something light and recreational recently and really unwinding myself
Think I had been having second, third or fourth thoughts
Like me always.
I am just not very sure whether I am fit for it, or if I will like it
You see, I even got bored of typing these questions down
Cause these are the two nails I keep hitting on my own thumb and it hurts
I know very well I should stop asking and just do it
But somehow my self-questioning part of the brain is wayyyy more developed than the action-oriented part
So I am still here with my laptop, listening to mixlist on Youtube and combing my thoughts

Had been talking about houses with my urban planning roommie
Actually recently I developed very high interest on those mansions
Classic white building with a big yard, some trees and sometimes even a fountain or pond
I think maybe I can bear with this
You know, from my ideal countryside cottage to a small mansion, I made a bit of compromise from my side
I mean, without considering the fact that the availability and price of such houses are really beyond my means
Ideal right, one can always dream, especially an idealist like me
So she was doing a test with me.
What would you rather part with?
Do you really need a yard/garden? Will a public park do?
---A park to walk will be wonderful yes, but I would really love a small place to plant something?
Can urban farming plot work?
----Yes, I suppose. Even better if someone can tend the land for me while I only plant and harvest
A swimming pool and garden?
----Erm swimming pool for now, garden for when I have more leisure for gardening?
Condo or landed?
----Seriously I think I am spoilt in terms of space. Closed rooms make me feel depressed, Even our huge room in matriculation that is size of a single room times 4 suffocates me. Big space, connection with real earth matters a lot for my mental well-being I guess. So land is a must. Maybe part of the reason I am in Penang haha.

You see, I never really decorate or personalized a space
Like my little cousin who will put on stickers, photos and whatever signboard
I just never felt belonging to somewhere
Not even my own house, cause it was occupied by furniture two times older than me and the crumbling wooden wall are not exactly best for decoration isnt it
Somehow it felt surreal to have a place I can decide the layout and design
Probably I shouldnt even cultivate longing like this
This is not a healthy pursuit lol. I am not even sure if I will have company to stay in my small little hut with me or not
But thinking about a dream house for one, somewhere out of the city seems a bit depressing
So, maybe I will just continue my appreciation on beautiful classy mansions before I have my own place
and really starting to save
Can't believe I had been working for 9 months and still poor af
_/\_ Let's hope my investments will really bear fruits



Posted by Qi... on 14:51

雖然說的不是我 但是我震了一下
更多的感觸 應該是他說的不是我吧

是 與文字越來越脫節
看的只是 臉書上的垃圾文章
甚至連雜誌 看的都有點吃力
所以這幾天 開始拾起手邊的書本

對書寫想法 越來越不知所措
連造句 都是很勉強的拼湊
沒有畫面 沒有劇情 沒有溫度 沒有想法
就是很貧乏的文字 再配上平淡的鋪述

看著書裡用成段的文字形容一張臉 一張桌子 一個杯子
一字一句 就是一磚一瓦

真的 想成為 寫字的人 文字工作者
還是 我應該去書法班了


話說 今天是七夕
你 想我了嗎

是你嗎 你怕我會忘了你嗎
你的相冊 我留著
看了 心總是很沉很沉

你要好好的 不要留戀 不要回頭
這些回憶 我幫你守著


Need more luck

Posted by Qi... on 23:29

I started to feel like I am very lucky
Or maybe I should hold this thought
Because whenever I feel lucky
Life comes back to me and laugh evilly, telling me "I got you!"
No one can be lucky, or no one can be lucky forever

Anyway, still think I need to make a gratitude post
Because this little event that I thought was such a mess
Turned out totally fine with all the helps I got
Really. I am touched by how readily everyone offers their help
Thank you. It meant a lot.
Hopefully everything goes well tomorrow. Including my screaming kids. T.T

So, some brief report of the week cause I got super major STML
Got to KL AGAIN, on a mall check-in spree and endless gossips with my girl
Very glad to see many familiar faces-lecturers and friends in that two days
Feel so warm to get advice, sharing and tight hugs from our motherly lecturer (who called us babies!)
(Honestly wish I did more of these before I jump into this job)
Finally got the chance to gossip with ms.jp---until I got bored of her kids story.
Within one single day. BRAVO. Doubt I can deal with more than 2 days lol.
I'm so against kids even kids stories makes me bored.

Reverse one day back, I'm done with my IETLS
I think it was better than what I expected and I was overly-anxious
Probably I should have more confidence in my English
But you know, I am always anxious when the investment involves lots of money
Guess I am not some entrepreneur-ish decisive investor
Poor kid syndrome lol
Let's hope this hour next week I can write a happier post to celebrate
Although this is not the final step but I really hope things can get on track from here
After I delayed everything for so longgggg
Felt so guilty to get caring emails from potential svs.
I am not worthy of your love and attention lol.

Life back to Penang was pretty mundane.
Feeling I shouldn't do much and should be concentrating on preparing the workshop.
Turns on my procrastination syndrome RELAPSE.
So I didn't go swimming didn't cook just to scroll facebook read random articles and watch random youtube videos
Lucky we had got these couch-surfers visitors coming in
At least talking to them giving me some fresh perspective about our QoL in comparison with other countries
And lots of info about foreign food and maybe some travel tips?
These brave wandering young ladies always make me question myself
But anyway, yes I love traveling and exploring places but I think I can't do poor travel
So I need to really saveeeeee up (but money come in like rain flow out like waterfall how to save T.T)
And I would never have the courage to throw everything behind me
For the sake of my parents' blood pressure haha

 So here's to a hopefully exciting fulfilling and enriching weekend
Then another Parkinson meeting coming soon---I'm dying why do I keep digging holes for myself and refuse to climb out
Anyway praying veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy hard for good news even though I am not really sure about my next step lol
Think I am just getting desperate for some better alternatives

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