So I was kind of down for the past one week
All I want to do is wrap myself in a blanket like a burrito
Sleep, and do nothing
Watched a few movies, kinda grateful my timing allow me to watch a movie after work before dinner
So I was this walking dead for one whole week with no apparent reason
and it is not like I am having emotional turbulence or hormone disturbance
Just I don't feel like thinking, or feeling things
But I found joy in watching foreign movie in foreign language
Very different stories with different perspective
Even though I totally fail my German listening
Probably only understand sentences like "ich bin...."
But movie is just something universal that you can understand
Received reply regarding interview finally
Saying there are a lot more applicants with more extensive experiences
So yeah. It is not for me
I know it is out of my league in the first place
But no regrets for trying
Just glad it turned out alright
At least I can focus on what I really ought to do now
Which I had been try to avoid for the past one week with extra sleep
and now....rewatching old TV series
Turns out even though I was praying against it
I still had to cancel the HCM trip next week
Was secretly happy about it
I am not really prepared and I dont want to take off from work
But yeah, major heartache for the money
First time burning off international flight ticket
Boy, that was quite a big amount
Lesson of the day, don't buy flight ticket impulsively lol
The main reason of the cancellation------------
House was in a mess from all the renovation work
and I can feel my mum being strained mentally
Well, presence of workers and an unpredictable contractor is definitely stressful
Then her usual pessimistic prediction of the future is not helpful at all
Guess I should go back home this week to check it out
So it is November now
An insignificant month other than it means it is getting dangerous close to end of the year
And as usual, there were leaps and bounds and small milestones but generally it is a stagnant year for me
Let's hope we get something out of these last two months and I can welcome 2017 with open hands