Blink...and that's IT

Posted by Qi... on 22:27

Read a book recently :p
I'm kinda into neuroscience all these while
So I borrowed this after paying rm20 fine to National Library
(holiday+too lazy to walk)
and I bring this back >.<
Seriously don't scare die.
Hope I remember to renew, I don't wanna create new record for fine again.

So it's about instinct
Thinking without even thinking :p
Yay, sounds amazing right?
That instantaneous moment you saw something
there are millions of ongoing neural processes passing through impulses all over your brain
and think before you are aware of the process of thinking

Therefore sometimes, 
the instinct that pop out, is the answer 
when you overload it with more information
when you try to get the answer behind it
you lost it

The book covered lots of interesting research
about behavior, psychology
and they tell you
sometimes in making decision or conclusion
you only need few to know few deciding factors
for example, if you want to know whether a marriage would last
you get the couple to talk about conflict they have recently
and they found that just by identifying the microexpression(Yeay, true story of LIE TO ME )
you can sense which couple will last longer
only FEW seconds is needed
and if there is presence of COMTEMPT
then, sure die.
but we never know which factor
You can't such a thorough research on everything

This book is like freakonomic :p
It touches on a lot of topic
like how TALL, DARK and HANDSOME man really get advantages
How NEW and CREATIVE things that are too cutting-edge get shoved by market research
because it is just too mind-blowing for people  to accept it is good in the first place
How when our adrenaline rush to a certain highpoint, we become irrational
How prejudice exist and twist your mind even when you think you are being fair
How our mind are shaped by these little things are we are not even aware of

I like how it makes you look into things with different perspective
Blink and see it in a different way
Trust your instinct
but not 100%
because even if the first thought are the process of sophisticated thinking process that bypass our conscious judgement
It's still ONLY inside your head
and the world is just too much for a tiny brain.

:) Cheers, and blink ;D

The author that looked like DJ from 80s for me :p


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