Cause you say I didn't update

Posted by Qi... on 23:03

What is happiness >.<
The eternal question of life
I suppose your next question would be the purpose of life
My answer for you is,
life is the journey of searching for THE answer and
you will write down that chapter with each and everyday of your life
Your answer just for you <3

FYI I am not the always happy type, I have serious emotion issue and
Once in a while you will see the sulky me sitting at the corner with dark shadow
Lucky that you don't have the chance to see that
or is it because you always chase the emo me away?
Now I am comfortable at the baseline, not happy, not unhappy, just in the middle
I dont need ecstasy moment,
I just need small, small smile that can help me go through the day

I told you, happiness for me is enough sleep and nice food,
that moment my O.S. in mind is I AM A PIG(=.=)
But risking being called a pig I still need to defend FOOD and SLEEP to be on top of the list
Other than that
I'm collecting other little little reason to smile
A chocolate
Warm breakfast
Reading something that inspires me
Nice chat with friends
Twisting my waist in the gym of a park
Not a feats or anything, just something that makes me feel good and take me away from the cloud of negative feeling, temporarily

Smile because it can makes me feel better instead
Just as how our emotion affect our body, our facial expression could affect our emotion in turn
Believed me, I tried.
At the emo-est moment, squeeze that smile on your face, when you try long and hard enough, that fake smile will be true enough to persuade everyone including your brain =)

Now I have scientist to back me up too XD Try the smile test :D

I hope you can find your reason to smile too
Because happiness can come in too many different formssss
Maybe you are too absorbed in your problem to see it :)
Wipe that dusty specs and you will see this world in a brighter scene

Thank you so much <3
I don't know why it started off with you feeling emo
but in the end I am the one that get the concerns
I'm too bad at counseling...sorry you can't expect much from someone without gentle heart
I just feel better after I spit things out
I guess you feel better after you know someone is having a harder life
So that's how we make each other feel better

Love you much,
for always remembering me and finding reasons to talk to me
for keeping our LDR working <3 
and always make me laugh even when I don't think I could
Take care and keep your resolution :)


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