
Posted by Qi... on 04:43

如果 你知道
你的一句话 能让人哭得欲哭无泪
你还会选择 一样的方式吗


我知道 大家都熬得很辛苦
没有人 想少一个战友

但是 如果你看出 他错了
继续安慰 你不要放弃 好好加油
告诉他 是时候醒了

痛 很痛 痛到觉得心脏绞痛 无法呼吸
让你看清眼前 找到另一个世界的人

真的 是这样吗
我 应该开口吗



Posted by Qi... on 14:30

Was looking into webpages to find some idea for clinic activities
This is not the first time I'm doing this
But with my brain keep shouting for more sleep
I couldn't really focus on what I should do

Looking through the pictures
Making playdough, painting, creating volcano together
I was like.......Wait, my parents never did this for me
Not that I'm deprived of fun in my childhood
But look at all these!!!!

This is just so not Asian
My parents, the only thing they did is call me home for dinner at 6pm,
scolded me for running around
and buy me toys when I seriously seriously seriously asked for it
But they never played with me, unless at the playground
As if play is a child thing but not theirs

I wish they knew, I wish more people know about
How important play is for children
How children learn best through play
and what kind of chances you lost when you didn't let him play or didn't play with him

It's just these few years that any child will play with you
Once they are bigger, they wont want you as their playmate anymore(sobsss....)
So remember to play more! XD

The ability of play, no matter how natural it seems
Should not be take for granted.
Not all children know how to play, or how to play appropriately
Not all children can understand how to play cooking game
Not all of them can follow your instruction
Not all of them could read and write and count when they are 5
So value the moments you could spend with any smart little kids more
Even when they are bullying you LOL it's a pleasure

This reminded me of what a parent said
She was so tired and frustrated when she tried so hard to interact with her child just to get her attention
She had no choice because that is her daughter
But seeing the SLP being so energetic and cheerful all the times even when the child is not responding
It struck her. and me who is listening.
Am I prepared for this? Can I do this?
Be professionally cheerful and sensitive and stimulating and facilitative all the time?
Cause they are not normal kids and they need special effort. A LOT MORE effort to be specific.

One thing at a time.
For me to survive this week,
it's time to brush up my play skills cause I never seem to know how to PLAY >.<
and to be able to survive in this career or performing arts
There is hundreds other lessons for me to learn
Yeah, and that is just so motivating >.<



Posted by Qi... on 02:31

最后一次了 也希望是最后一次了
进升学的第一个活动 就是热线

回想起来真的觉得 没有帮到对象群
升学 选大学 选科系 这么重大的问题
不是十分钟短短的对话 就能解决的
我的九分钟 忘了是什么问题
但我记得有少少遗憾 因为好像我让他更混乱了

面试时 被问到想进哪一组 我就知道 是它了
有人问我 要不要进升学
因为 其实心里一直都在期待这个问题

最大的动力 来自电邮中的那句
虽然现在知道 是最标准最废的标准答案
感恩当时这一句话 点醒了我 也让我相信自己的选择
所以 有这个机会的时候 我希望可以角色对调
我可以在某人真得很迷茫 迷茫到要电邮问自己完全不认识的人的时候
说一句对的话 一句就好

其实这两年 我一直都不是称职的信箱股
不查电邮 不查论坛
很多工作很多时候 都是有幕后的天使在帮忙

但是 这一两个星期 好多人很认真的在论坛上问问题

集训那天 听到老老的称赞
想起当年那个我 和现在这个坐在前面的我
才发现 我真的 长大了
而且 这个家 真的让我成长很多

很抱歉 这一路没有坚守自己的承诺
很感恩 大家一路都在包容纵容 从旁补位

很感恩 有一群这么棒这么认真的小瓜
不多犹豫 有quiz 有考试 有开会 但都来了
而且 用99%的表现 折服了我
这两天我唯一的工作 就是走来走去
看着他们 我很放心

看着不断响起的电话 有点怯意的sms
不知道为什么 但是回答到问题 我自己就莫名的开心
但是 很快的 这份职责喜悦 是时候转交给下一号了

感恩 一路扶持我的烂老左右
感恩 陪我帮我支持我的伙伴
感恩 让我找到新动力的小瓜

第一次听电话的你们 流利自信的回答
答案 正确 有条理 不偏差
那种骄傲 那种满足感 那份欣慰
我想要保留那温度 <3


Not born into it

Posted by Qi... on 02:46
"You are not born to be an SLP"

I thank her million times for sharing her stories <3
It is always reassuring to know all these tall-standing figures did fell before
It's not about what you are born into, but your choices.

She worked hard. Did u?



Posted by Qi... on 02:42
Worst Saturday ever.
I woke up early and tried to complete several reports(revert back with more corrections >.<)
Was talking to her and realize how wrong I am and my mood just took a 90 degree downturn
Probably it began the night before
After my short but close to <3 conversation with high school bff
I didn't realize I painted my life in such a grey tone until she said so
My confidence level hitting the new bottom and I am not as ever cheerful as before

Probably I don't agree with everything she said about me
But yes, I saw so many things wrong in myself
I felt so like crying because I felt like I'm shattered inside
Like nothing is right

But it turns bright because of the angels I know
When you send me a long motivating message
When you came and clean up my room till unrecognizable shiny clean
When you force me to move knowing that I will just avoid everything and hide in my blanket
When you seriously consider my ADD as serious issue and thinking about intervention
I found a lot of reason to laugh
and less reason to push everything away

I'm so sorry my room became messier than ever now
Seriously my room=the state of my life
Now, it is another epic of messiness with the undealable clinic, no-presentable case case presentation, no-rehearsal-maybe-no-participant camp, weekly presentation
Yea, I guess it is a little hard for me to keep up with the tidy and steady part :p

But thank you, thank you so much with endless muacks from me


Q or A

Posted by Qi... on 13:52
What if you are bored with something
even before you are good at it
and you are supposed to and expected to be good

Guess I wont like the answer
Probably this is not even the right question to ask


Cause you say I didn't update

Posted by Qi... on 23:03

What is happiness >.<
The eternal question of life
I suppose your next question would be the purpose of life
My answer for you is,
life is the journey of searching for THE answer and
you will write down that chapter with each and everyday of your life
Your answer just for you <3

FYI I am not the always happy type, I have serious emotion issue and
Once in a while you will see the sulky me sitting at the corner with dark shadow
Lucky that you don't have the chance to see that
or is it because you always chase the emo me away?
Now I am comfortable at the baseline, not happy, not unhappy, just in the middle
I dont need ecstasy moment,
I just need small, small smile that can help me go through the day

I told you, happiness for me is enough sleep and nice food,
that moment my O.S. in mind is I AM A PIG(=.=)
But risking being called a pig I still need to defend FOOD and SLEEP to be on top of the list
Other than that
I'm collecting other little little reason to smile
A chocolate
Warm breakfast
Reading something that inspires me
Nice chat with friends
Twisting my waist in the gym of a park
Not a feats or anything, just something that makes me feel good and take me away from the cloud of negative feeling, temporarily

Smile because it can makes me feel better instead
Just as how our emotion affect our body, our facial expression could affect our emotion in turn
Believed me, I tried.
At the emo-est moment, squeeze that smile on your face, when you try long and hard enough, that fake smile will be true enough to persuade everyone including your brain =)

Now I have scientist to back me up too XD Try the smile test :D

I hope you can find your reason to smile too
Because happiness can come in too many different formssss
Maybe you are too absorbed in your problem to see it :)
Wipe that dusty specs and you will see this world in a brighter scene

Thank you so much <3
I don't know why it started off with you feeling emo
but in the end I am the one that get the concerns
I'm too bad at counseling...sorry you can't expect much from someone without gentle heart
I just feel better after I spit things out
I guess you feel better after you know someone is having a harder life
So that's how we make each other feel better

Love you much,
for always remembering me and finding reasons to talk to me
for keeping our LDR working <3 
and always make me laugh even when I don't think I could
Take care and keep your resolution :)


One thing at a time

Posted by Qi... on 14:13

The problem of having double lane(or more) in your brain is
Unlike roads with countless carsss,
you only have one brain

But we are born to multitask
and I am just too awesome at this
I don't remember how many times I have to tell myself,
One thing at a time
One thing after another
but apparently there is another master control in my brain 
which is NOT ME!!!

So this is basically my brain activity most of the time
Luckily I still have sleep when I "feel" like I am doing one thing at a time
When my never-resting brain is busy brewing dreams for me



Posted by Qi... on 23:03

想要记得 被骂的很开心 的感觉
我没有变态 只是突然看开
学生 就是学习
被骂 被点 被鼓励 都是学习
被机关枪扫射没关系 知道自己死在那里 也不算白死
人家要这么用心看 好心送金点醒你
点醒你还要隔层布 怕你太伤 也算仁至义尽了

低落 无奈 振作 再沉沦
接下来的这一年 还要坐无数次
也许我会像现在 只想存活过每一天
不去想 原因 挑战 改进
今天安安稳稳的过关  才能松一口气

你 选 择 扛在身上的责任
他 们 没有选择 跟随一生的包袱
请不要耽误 宝贵的时间


小小的 仰着的脸

Posted by Qi... on 21:11

All those young naive faces in the observation room reminded me of a lot of things
"Did you all learn this in lecture?"
Diplomatic answer is Some,

Guess we were just like them
Watching without knowing what we were watching
That one hour passed.
Time to go back.
Maybe it provokes your thought.
Make you think about future but it will quickly be left behind your mind
Cause you have so many worries now

But I still remembered the first session I observed
Everything. How I am amazed by the controllable CCTV
(You can zoom-in zoom-out and control the direction like video game stick!)
What the senior did and the material used(finger puppet and farm animal :D)
Even the child's response
I was inspired and amazed in every way of it
Maybe today I inspire the junior in another opposite way lol
Yea negative example is still example
"cheerful and patient exterior"---or expressionless and cool in my SV's word
Not something I want anyone else to witness but apparently that is out of my control

I know exactly which room and who's in XP

Looking at some of the sleepy face
I can totally understand why people feel sleepy in an observation room
Not because I did slept inside
But this is about what it takes
A year passed before I know what to see in a session
If you don't have or not aware of the skill,
You will not be able to detect it in a session
You need an eye for it
I am a very very very slow learner and slower in applying the skills in my session
That explains a lot
This is another day,
When another junior told me how he watched video of speech therapy throughout the holiday
and have so much fun from it
I doubt my efforts and passions
I never have the patience to finish my own video(too embarassing! >.<)
not to mention looking through other's video
Reminded me of this sentence


那些小小的 仰着的脸
看得我 有些炫目
仗着单纯 缠着学长姐问白痴问题的美好时光
现在角色调转 是我们回答问题的时候了

但再多的叮咛劝告分享 也没有用
若是不曾走过 怎么懂

祝福你们 有个深刻的旅程
不求轻松愉快 只求收获满满


#Listening to my client's speech sample makes me wanna bang wall. HOW TO TRANSCRIBE? Why on earth did I ask him to do that? Super regretting it lol


Lift up

Posted by Qi... on 20:20

有些事 虽然已经心里有数
但是 安慰的话 打抱不平的话

那瞬间 有被拥抱的感觉
感恩你 给我小小的鼓舞
It meant a lot to me :D



Posted by Qi... on 09:29
每天每天每天 都要问自己



Posted by Qi... on 22:42





Posted by Qi... on 22:22

This is it



Posted by Qi... on 03:20

Guess I was just resisting.
Growth. Change. Try. To be better or worse.

Glad that I had all these lecturers that always inspire me
To be "strong yet gentle"
It's always motivating to listen to her speak
Of numerous clients and for everyone, she could recall everything in mind
Cause she is always there
Now I see more of what it took from a clinician
and ask myself more questions
"Are you strong/knowledgeable/considerate/emphatic/facilitative/professional enough"

I haven't nib that thoughts----this is too much to ask from someone
Imagine someone doing engineer, accounting or chef
No one demands on their personality
But I know every profession had their own requirement
And I definitely have no interest to become any of the above
Saw an article today,
"Job for intelligent but lazy people"
I was so happy and after clicking in,
I found that I was not smart enough to be lazy LOL
So I need to survive here

Heard a lot, talked to several, read through some blogs
I suddenly felt the weight on my heart lightens,
Although I still haven't find the solution,
but I had enough of deep thinking and processing
That questions, like any major questions in life
Can left to be regurgitated in leisure time

So please get into your life now.
You had spaced out too much.
Get back to your tracks thanks.
The train doesn't wait for you


Posted by Qi... on 21:31

突然明白 为什么很多人想找个伴
因为当你想去那里的时候 不管去哪里
朋友 可能没有这么高的commitment

现在的我 突然有很多想去的地方
因为想到可能不久后 就不住在这城市了

但是 我想要的 其实是一辆车
更好的是 我想去哪里都on
还可以载我去的 朋友

一个人 有的是自在悠闲
但就是少了点劲 少了兴奋(自high是很累的)

有点小贪心吧 还是希望身边有人可以分享
好的是 朋友不是特别名词
不同的伴 到不同的地方




Posted by Qi... on 21:53
I hate people whining
Yet I whine a lot recently
That is ironic
I avoid people who whines a lot
because I find it is too exhausting to try to untie their knot
I know some of them just like to whine, like me
This is the way to release their stress and frustration
Probably it is just that we do this in a different way
and we react in a different way.

I still love people around me a lot
But maybe my react mechanism changed
So maybe we all need to adapt to this.
Just like how I did.



Posted by Qi... on 21:36

It's all about your personality.
It gets magnified in that therapy room, through that double-side mirror

So I'm suppose to smile
Look at people's eyes
Keep a cheerful tone(Sorry for my naturally low pitch)
Stay organized and composed even though storm is going on
Confidently persuade parents even though I'm not that sure of what I'm delivering
and react in the exact moment when I am supposed to
Never realized I have so many defects in my personality till now

It sounded so simple but to put everything in mind and in action
Guess it overloaded my simple brain
I'm not designed for complex mental functioning
Sometimes I think it is too much to ask for
For me to be socially likeable, constantly exciting and ever ready for change
As if there is only one way for it.
You can say there is a range or spectrum, but I would say that range is just so narrow.

Today someone asked me "If they don't want to be helped, how could you help them?"
But she told me, "You will find a way, because you want to help"

To be honest, deep down somewhere I was questioning a lot of stuff
At one split second I understood by he decided to change course against all odds
It's frightening, depressing till one point you don't want to continue
For whole my life I never countdown when the semester will end
Because I never know how long had passed
But this time I am counting from the first week. Yea, completed 10%!
I survived. But is survival enough?
Is this little pass the edge survival enough to get you through?
Is this takes so much of me should I shed my skin just to get through it?
Is this how I want to spend my life? Challenge and psychological turmoil day by day?
And with this somehow the child seem less cute
The motivation and drive just evaporates

Maybe working life will be better. Or worse.
In a sense that you feel better but you are not doing better
Who knows. But I hate this sort of feeling
I need a very strong end goal and very strong faith
No wavering no hesitating no doubts
Only then I can keep going, without raising head from the books and ask questions
So please, someone, enlighten me
Lit up the halo in my head so I would want to pour in everything just for this

p/s: Sorry for all the complaints, I just need to vent it out and shove it back so I can continue with my plans and reports and plans and casenotes


Be +ve!

Posted by Qi... on 19:48
The worst thing about being criticized is
Bits by bits
You become your best critique
You can say this is good reflective skills
But this is simply depressing

Wanna write some encouraging status
Try to shout out to myself "stay steady"
But I was told I'm too steady with my own pace
Ideas arose and refuted end up I could write nothing
Maybe I just need a simple good luck and get to work.

No you are not gonna screw it up
Hopefully....fingers crossed


Something called weekend

Posted by Qi... on 23:19

So this is how I spent my last weekend.

Day ONE,
Secret lover with debaters.
This bunch of crazy people having so much fun during Secret Santa and decide had one for Valentine's day too
And what a coincidence the day we chose is 1.3.14 一生一世 so sweet
So the rule is buy a V day's gift for someone(wishlist provided as guideline)
and....write a LOVE LETTER to that someone and let him/her guess who you are
I had to admit we are too creative
I nonchalantly talked about this idea and that crazy lady was so excited and decided to let it happen
So here we are. The surprise is all of our beloved juniors came despite the EXAM STRESS ACTIVITY(wish they were this committed for trainings)
So we had an expensive meal(but yummy one!) and bought presents for each other.
Not exactly the way I like to spend my weekends but I love it much because of the company <3
Always love seeing this seemingly weird combination of people happily mixed around
They make me feel young and old at the same time LOL

And an achievement to be proud of, I'm the only successful secret lover!
Managed to camouflage my identity so well in the LOVE letter(my first one and to someone I definitely not like XD) that I get away from it
It's so like killer! Haha, create suspicion for others and that's how you could survive safely!
Btw, did I mention I "wrap" the present in McD cup? I'm genius haha!

Another group photo!
See all the bears? All because 50% off on Hello Planet
These cheap people

So yeah, I got myself another bear
Not sure why I went out of my head and request for this,
I was in more dire need of shampoo actually LOLOL

The next day, woke up 10 minutes before I was required to wait downstairs
and I'm the one who supposed to gather everyone.
Genius me. Anyway we arrived UTAR at time for Beach Cleaning
Went to Pantai Morib....everytime I go around places like this or Sungai Buloh
Only then I realized Selangor is veryyyyy big.

Anyway, enjoyed the morning very much
Cause we had fun games on the beach and a very energetic aerobic
Sorta feel like the activities was more than the cleaning activity itself
Anyway, it is a nice experience I guess, cleaning up the mess left by people
Reminded me of the time we cleaned up Genting Klang(feeble attempt lol)
How easy it is to throw something but for someone to pick it up, it is a different story
However the beach was much cleaner than it needs to be >.< so nothing much to do
and there was a thick thick haze around till I cant really see the skyline
I think my lung is already stained grey on the surface

Chat a little with my group members from UTAR.
Was surprised to heard one of them involved in beach cleaning in Port Dickson
Where they need to clear all the black oil. That is what I call beach cleaning
Anyway, I was bad at sharing and even worse at facilitate sharing
Guess I'm just not the type to talk all out about love earth love world etc
So end up we are the first group the end the doughnut session

And finally had made some of my juniors to come for TzuQing activity
Actually missed one of them very much haha
Wished I had more time with her and sure we will be best friend
We just had so many similarities in so many way.
But of course she has a kinder soul than me. warmer smile. more hardworking. HAHA
Love the feeling when they tell me how much they missed our time together(I miss that too! :D)
and how they've changed after the transformation :P
I feel like a proud mama and seeing them perform well at other places make me feel the pride too!

Another surprise when this ah moi told me she was interested! <3
Good to have you around!

Guess I will miss this sort of weekends.
Packed with activities till I feel like there is NO weekend
Actually enjoyed it, maybe cause my work tsunami haven't really strike yet
Maybe I will miss the lazy weekend, rolling at bed doing nothing
Yeah I'm too greedy I wanted both *Double weekend maybe?*



Posted by Qi... on 21:57

If multiple people repeatedly tell you the same thing,
When all the sound ooze into your brain and it starts to reverberate from inside
It is hard for you not to believe in it
Should I filter these or should I buy this and do something on myself instead?
Lots of question marks here.

Maybe it's just my inertia as usual,
refusing to CHANGE.
It's a whole new semester,
like every semester, it starts with little hope and little resolution
So let's see how long can it last this time


Power of words

Posted by Qi... on 02:50

Finally finish my first book of the semester.
Strictly speaking it is my second book of the year
and it's Mac now!
So sorry to my booksssssssssssss in the shelf *big bow and hugsss*

Miss those days when I can finish five books per week
and always try to exceed library's quota of borrowing
Yea that was primary school but
I just love those moments when I can just immersed myself in any story while lying on any surface, be it sofa, pillow, bed or the floor and let time drifted by
That is how an only child spend her afternoon in a house without air-con or Internet

Back to the topic,
this is another Amy Tan. My second one.

Erm was attracted to her cause she gave a really awesome(now I reconsider that) Ted Talk
So I was like okay, so she is international best-seller and she talk well!
Probably she wrote well too.
And as a matter of fact, she did.

It's just that is weird watching a half-Asian portray Asian, in English btw
It's like having everything you are familiar in a different form.
Like burger with rice bun. Might be nice or even taste better but just not right.
You always wonder how people translate ghost story or the philosophy into English
She did quite a good job and you can see how detailed she went into her research
but it just sounded WEIRD and probably that's why I couldn't relate well with the story or character even with all the vivid narration
With all the elements you need in a touching book-relationship of all sorts, humanity in its worst or best, mystery, Asian mystery, adventure, misery, love, happy ending(?!)
Okay, now I'm thinking why am I being so demanding on her
But I just don't like the persistent presence of an old malicious nagging highly superstitious always cursing mother
Maybe that is her way of remembering her mother but that annoys me. A lot.

Anyway, the highlight here is actually the transcript of an interview with her at the back
She really makes me rethink a lot about the profession of writing
She talked about the research, the need of meticulous in depth research and to some extent, research with your footprint.
Walk through the place and feel everything, the soil, the air, the building
She talked about working from 9am-7pm DAILY
Remind me of the word of 建宁老师from FIR
Being an artist is not as free-style as the public imagine or anything on the screen, it requires DISCIPLINE, persistent enduring discipline that push you through the delivery process of the product
Guess there are just no easy way in any path
No genius, no sudden adrenaline of inspiration and no sudden sparks and tah dah moments

But somehow I prefer it this way
To put your feet through the way and sweat through it
The process of work for what you want is the one to be enjoyed and lived
Amy said she loved research and even done excessive research on tiny tinky bits
Think about it
You can just read on any random things fun things without any explanation just for it
You can be expert on art one year, animal another, depending on the theme of your writing
How exciting!
Just like actor or actress, in every drama, they lead a different life with different stories
For me, that's the most fascinating part of the profession, living several life in just one turn (y)

Winston Churchill once acclaimed writer are one of the best profession because "words are the only thing that last forever"
The power of words also does
Just like this one

I know everyone read this for English during SPM(btw I just love English literature class in high school)
But this is the first love poem I really appreciate
It makes me melt inside when our English teacher explain this to us

Every fair from fair sometimes decline,
but thy eternal summer shall not fade, no, not even under the threat of Death
because it is eternalized in this masterpiece of work
As long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long live this, and this give life to thee

Sorry I had to copy and retype it, there is no better way to reword it
I think that is the best gift a girl could ever had and the best manifestation of one's love
Eternal imprint of her beauty and their love <3
It literally bring me to that Awhhh and holding hand together moment
Hope it has that same miraculous effect on you too :D
Few lines of scrabbles, passed through centuries and touched souls of countless naive young girl like me
Think, how nonchalant it seemed yet how powerful it is
Now you know why words count XP

So my act of spending my before clinic weekend writing nonsense shouldn't be seen as that much of a sin I guess? =p *act innocent*



Posted by Qi... on 01:53


可是 这整个星期
在我按snooze超过四五次 真的该起床的时候
重点不是能不能煮早餐 而是有没有时间吃早餐
虽然我是赖床虫 还是想不知天高地厚的早期做早餐
所以 才跟她定下了约定
约了人 我就会去做
不过今天的我 也许需要助力
期待下个星期的我 可以自动自发爱自己多一点

For me its all about egg XOXO

答应了 做不到
开始了 半途而废
有少少成就 大大地嘉奖自己
在想 如果

每天十分钟 自己的时间
偶尔 对自己好稍微一点点
最后 把注意力稍微收拢一点点
不过分吧 微不足道得可怜
就这样 你 可以吗 拜托

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